Posts tagged #calves

Calving Season

Calving Season on the Farm

It's calving season on the farm, which means there are babies popping up everywhere! Along with making sure the calves are nursing well, we also make sure the mamas have the nutrients they need to pass on to their babies. Right now, they are receiving high quality grasses such as prairie hay, buffalo grass, and crab grass. We will move them to different pastures to meet the needs of their diet at any given time.

This week we brought some cattle in to be pregnancy tested. These cows have been in the pasture with a couple of bulls for a few months now. First, we pull the bulls out of the group. Then we test the cows for pregnancy. Once we get the results back, we will separate the ones who are pregnant from the ones who are not and prepare for the next calving season.

The process is pretty simple. We draw a small amount of blood from the base of the tail and send them on their way!

BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.