Posts tagged #diet

Hunters and Gatherers

How many of us would consider prehistoric Hunters & Gatherers as our cousins?

Daniel Lieberman, PhD and professor of biology at Harvard University, says that if we want to reduce some of our late-life ailments, we need to pay more attention to our cousins – the Hunters & Gatherers.

Lieberman believes that humans today would be much healthier eating the Hunters & Gatherers’ diet than one based on grains and simple carbohydrates. The Hunters and Gatherers’ diet consisted mostly of wild meat (grass-fed), nuts, seeds, berries, vegetables, and tubers; whereas, the American diet today comes from 50% grain, grain products, and potatoes. And if you consider the fact that most meat comes from animals fed grain, this percent gets much higher – and even approaches 100% with some people.

We know that asking someone to never eat any grain products would be like asking newlyweds not to have sex! But if you think Dr. Lieberman is on to something, you may want to check out his book, The Story of the Human Body.*

Some of his facts and beliefs:

  • The first thing a grain-fed diet does is rot our teeth.
  • The diseases associated with mineral deficient grain are scurvy, pellagra, beriberi, goiter, & anemia.

These are what he calls the “mismatched diseases”:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease, osteoporosis, and colon cancer.

He describes a mismatched disease as one caused by eating a diet which we are genetically unprepared for.

Do you reckon that the genetics of our body today is similar to that of our prehistoric cousins, the Hunters & Gatherers? If so, then maybe we can understand why, when we feed our body something it is not designed for, this can cause health problems.

At BF Farms we believe grain-fed cattle can cause certain health issues – in cattle as well as in humans.

* We do not pass judgment or endorse Dr. Lieberman’s theory of human evolvement.

BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's #1 source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

Posted on August 25, 2015 and filed under General Topics.