Posts tagged #farm

More Than Food

More Than Food

To our family, this farm is about much more than raising food.

A couple weeks ago we had our second Farm Day. Other than it being abnormally cold for May, it was everything we imagined it would be. Hay rides, horse rides, games, and food brought the community together and smiles on each face. Watching the kiddos pet and squeal over the baby animals and anxiously wait in line to ride the horses filled my heart. Our family was encouraged by your support and your presence. My favorite part however, was listening to people ask questions about farming and what it means to eat grass-fed.

You see, the reason why our family has taken on the giant en devour of creating 100% grass-fed meat without any of the junk - steroids, antibiotics, ect. - that weaken our immune system and fill our bodies with toxins and bacteria, is because we care about you. The reason why so much effort goes into the care of our grass and our animals is because we want to see you succeed. We want to see a community that has the energy to love and grow. That thrives because you have fed your bodies quality food. We want to see your kids run, laugh, and excel in school. We want to know that you feel good, not just about what you are putting into your body, but also about the function of your body.

In order to have the highest functioning bodies, you need high quality food. We want to be that resource for you. Let us be that resource for you.

Have a happy and healthy summer!


BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

Grass-Fed Macho Taco Burgers

Time for Dinner: Grass-Fed Macho Taco Burgers

It's time for dinner and I am craving grass-fed beef tacos, but my husband wants burgers and my kids want cheese. For dinner. Quite the dilemma. So instead of making three separate meals because seriously, who has time for that, we mashed all of our cravings together as shown in the recipe below and I would like to call it the "Macho Taco Burger". I guess you could technically use store bought or grain fed ground to make the same recipe, but there are major, life altering reasons why my family chooses 100% grass-fed meat. I realize we live on the farm and of course we would buy our own meat, not to mention that it is the most delicious beef I have ever had, but that is only a tiny reason why we do.

Our family eats A LOT of ground. I mean, when I bust out a steak, the creatures of my household think we are having "fancy dinner". Plus, my almost 2 year old can't chew steak yet, so ground it is. We have to be super creative in order for meals not to get boring. The thing I really love about grass-fed ground versus grain fed or whatever else they feed cows in feedlots, is that I know my family is eating clean food. I know there aren't any added hormones that are going to make my daughters "bloom" too early or antibiotics that may travel into our bodies. I know exactly what grasses the animals graze on and that the grasses are not genetically modified. I know that BECAUSE we are on the farm and see the process every day. I know the work it takes to invest in a business that doesn't cut corners and a family that cares about the health of people everywhere.

I want to support my family's health, farmers who farm the right way, and my taste buds because, let's face it, they control everything. Check it...


  • 1 pound BF Farms' grass-fed beef
  • 1 egg per burger
  • Avocado slices
  • Tomato slices
  • Bacon
  • Goat cheese crumbles
  • Burger buns
  • 1 TBS Cumin
  • 1 TS Chili Powder
  • 1 TS Garlic Powder
  • Salt and Pepper


  1. Chop tomatoes and slice avocados and set aside.
  2. Mix spices in with the ground beef. Knead with hands and create patties.
  3. Pull out a medium and a large skillet. In the large skillet, cook the beef patties on medium heat.
  4. At the same time- if you can -in the medium skillet, cook bacon on medium-low. Remove bacon. DO NOT DRAIN. Crack eggs over pan and fry eggs in the bacon grease, splashing grease onto the tops of the eggs. Remove eggs.
  5. Put all of the ingredients together and DEVOUR!


BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

Customer Hall of Fame

Customer Hall of Fame: Diana Webber

Hannah and Diana 3-9-13.jpg

We would like to introduce Diana Webber to our "Customer Hall of Fame"! We have been so blessed by the overwhelming feedback from our customers on the taste of our grass-fed meat and how much the history of our farm means to them. We value every amount of feedback given. The thing is, we don't want to keep these wonderful comments to ourselves. We want to share them along with the faces they came from with everyone and thus, created the "Customer Hall of Fame".

Each month, we would like to feature one of our customers on the blog, on Facebook, or through our newsletter sharing about their BF Farms experience! This month, we have chosen Diana Webber. Here is what she has to say:

Why have you decided to choose Grass-Fed meat for you and your family?

Diana: I have always had a desire to know where my food comes from. "Grass-fed" is the beginning, but purely grass-fed, as BF Farms provides, is icing on the cake. I prefer my food not to be mass produce, and BF Farms promises to never mass produce their meat.

What is your favorite meal to make with BF Farms' Grass-Fed meat?

Diana: I have two favorites, it would be hard to pick one over the other. The Rib-eyes I get are phenomenal. It's like eating butter!! But the BF Farms ground beef and lamb make the best chili EVER!

What is your favorite thing about BF Farms?

Diana: BF Farms has a dedication to providing the best meat to their clients. Their commitment to quality and care is above and beyond. The Family also makes this generational farm what it is. Everyone I have met is full of caring, curiosity and a commitment to health and happiness. These things make every dime and every bite worth it.


Thank you, Diana! Your words are much appreciated!


BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

Meet our Family

Meet our BF Farms Family

We would love for you to meet our BF Farms family! Here is a little synopsis of our roles here on the farm:

Doug Benkendorf-Third Generation

Doug is the visionary behind BF Farms and our land owner. He also helps with projects large and small, as the need arises. He is constantly moving our organization forward and seeking improvement.

Jayne Benkendorf-Third Generation

Jayne is the marketing and sales coordinator for our organization. If you know her at all, you know that she is gifted in sharing about our grass-fed beef and lamb and is always building relationships with everyone around her.

Kamie Sallee-Fourth Generation

Kamie is co-owner and ranch manager for the farm. She cares for the animals, making sure they are fed and healthy, moving them around from pasture to pasture to receive a well balanced diet. She also handles the administration for the farm.

Ephraim Benkendorf-Fifth Generation

Ephraim is co-owner, working closely with Kamie to fulfill the regular ranch chores. More importantly, he is responsible for planting the grasses our beef and lamb feed on. He makes sure that we can call our animals "grass-fed".

Ashley Mantz-Fifth Generation

Ashley runs the chicken coup and the family garden. She calls the chickens her babies and collects the eggs for direct market.

Brian Sallee-Fifth Generation

Brian is a photographer and web developer. You can see his skills for photography and web development on our website, Facebook, and other marketing materials we have sent out. Brian also helps out as a farm hand when needed.

Nicole Sallee-Fifth Generation

Nicole is our co-marketing director and helps with sales. She manages the Facebook page, blog, newsletter, and events for the farm. She also helps Ashley in the garden.

"A family that farms together, stays together."


BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.