Posts tagged #feedlots


Have GMOs, Genetically Modified Organisms, Overtaken our Food Supply?

In many cases, GMOs have taken over our food supply. Unless a product is identified as “GMO Free” or is labeled Organic, there is a good chance it contains GMO ingredients. Some states have tried passing laws requiring food companies to identify products with GMOs, but that has been axed by a new federal law. This new law forbids states from passing laws requiring food companies to identify products containing GMOs.

Our position at BF Farms is very simple: We do NOT recommend the consumption of any foods containing ingredients derived from GMOs; however, we recommend that you do your own research and make this call for you and your family.

To get a feeling of how GMOs have taken over our food supply, let’s concentrate on just two products – corn and alfalfa. (There are many more!)

Corn is by far the most pervasive in our food supply as this GMO food is found in most processed foods such as; corn oil, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, corn starch, modified corn starch, etc. But it doesn’t stop here! GMO corn is the number one ingredient used to feed cattle in our feedlots. The use of GMO feed, along with the use of antibiotics and steroids, is the #1 reason for the demand of grass-fed meats.

Alfalfa is a relative newcomer to the GMO parade. How does alfalfa get into our food supply? It is fed to cattle, and just like corn, we get the results of GMOs when we eat the meat.

The biggest users of alfalfa are dairies. Think about it, GMOs have now found their way into our milk supply along with other dairy products such as cheese, butter, cream, sour cream, etc. Dairies also feed corn, so these cows are getting a double whammy when it comes to GMOs – and so are we!

We encourage you to do your own research regarding GMOs, and we also want you to know that BF Farms’ cattle and sheep will never get any GMO products. We are GMO free!


BF-Farms, LLC

Oklahoma's #1 source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.