Posts tagged #grass-fed lamb

Grass-Fed Lamb Chops

Grass-Fed Lamb Chops with Beer Gravy

This recipe for grass-fed lamb chops with beer gravy comes from one of our very dear lamb customers, Keyton Williams. Thank you, Keyton, for passing on this mouth watering recipe! We love to hear how our grass-fed customers are cooking their meat and what their favorite recipes are. If you have a recipe to share, please let us know!


  • 2 Grass-Fed Lamb Chops
  • Soy Sauce
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Sage
  • 1 TBS Butter
  • 1 Cup Dark Beer
  • 1/4 Cup Beef Broth
  • 1/2 TS Flour


Take two lamb chops and sprinkle with a very light amount of soy sauce to enhances meat flavor. Add pepper and braise them in a pan for the juices - About 5 minutes each side on medium heat.

Put the chops in the oven and let them bake for 20 minutes on 350 degrees. "I also love to put the chops in a pressure cooker and cook them that way, the meat LITERALLY falls off the bone and is SO tender delicious."

While the chops are in the oven, put 1 TBSP of butter in a small sauce pan and let it slightly brown for flavor. Add 1 cup of your favorite dark beer. "Any dark beer works, I personally love a good dark that has coffee notes in it, it really brings out the lamb flavor." Place it in the small sauce pan along with the drippings and 1/4 cup of beef broth to cut the beer and add flavor. Warm to medium heat.

Add about a 1/2 teaspoon of flour to thicken.

Add a pinch of sage, salt, and pepper to taste. Let it simmer until the chops are done, out of the oven, and plated. 

Pour the gravy over the chops and BAM, Lamb Chops doused in delicious Beer Gravy!

BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

Diana's Beef and Lamb Chili

Diana's Beef and Lamb Chili Recipe


Anyone who knows me knows that I love chili!  Bean chili, meat chili and definitely one that has both, but now…using BF Farms lamb and beef it’s even better than ever.  Come with me on the journey of this awesome chili.


1 lb. BF Farms lamb sausage

1 lb. BF Farms ground beef

1 ½ red onions chopped

3 cloves of garlic chopped

3 cups of black beans - I cooked these in the crockpot over night with water, salt & pepper, and 4 tbsp. of good balsamic vinegar.  I use extra water, so that I have a nice black bean liquid to use in the chili - Or use canned, with liquid.

1 can of beer

Spices - I don’t measure spices, because I do it to taste.  But in the chili I used cumin, chili powder, a dash of ground cloves and S&P.  I taste it about half way through the cooking process, for adjustments to these spices.


First I like to brown the lamb sausage.  It has a few of its own spices, so I don’t season it at all.  It leaves behind some nice fat, and flavor to brown the beef in next. So I remove the lamb and brown the beef.  Once that is done, I remove the beef and add the chopped onion, garlic and spices.  This softens the onion & garlic and blooms the spices.  I cook them for about 5 minutes.  I then add the black beans with liquid and the browned meats. 

A lot of times, I add canned tomatoes to my chili, but this chili I like it without.

I use the can of beer to make sure I have enough flavorful liquid to mostly cover the chili.  You could also use broth of any kind - or red wine.  I used ¾ of a can of beer.

I put a lid on this and put into a 275 degree oven for about 1.5 hour - taking the lid off the last 30 minutes, depending on the amount of liquid.

I like to serve this with a dollop of sour cream and/or shredded cheese.


BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

Meet our Family

Meet our BF Farms Family

We would love for you to meet our BF Farms family! Here is a little synopsis of our roles here on the farm:

Doug Benkendorf-Third Generation

Doug is the visionary behind BF Farms and our land owner. He also helps with projects large and small, as the need arises. He is constantly moving our organization forward and seeking improvement.

Jayne Benkendorf-Third Generation

Jayne is the marketing and sales coordinator for our organization. If you know her at all, you know that she is gifted in sharing about our grass-fed beef and lamb and is always building relationships with everyone around her.

Kamie Sallee-Fourth Generation

Kamie is co-owner and ranch manager for the farm. She cares for the animals, making sure they are fed and healthy, moving them around from pasture to pasture to receive a well balanced diet. She also handles the administration for the farm.

Ephraim Benkendorf-Fifth Generation

Ephraim is co-owner, working closely with Kamie to fulfill the regular ranch chores. More importantly, he is responsible for planting the grasses our beef and lamb feed on. He makes sure that we can call our animals "grass-fed".

Ashley Mantz-Fifth Generation

Ashley runs the chicken coup and the family garden. She calls the chickens her babies and collects the eggs for direct market.

Brian Sallee-Fifth Generation

Brian is a photographer and web developer. You can see his skills for photography and web development on our website, Facebook, and other marketing materials we have sent out. Brian also helps out as a farm hand when needed.

Nicole Sallee-Fifth Generation

Nicole is our co-marketing director and helps with sales. She manages the Facebook page, blog, newsletter, and events for the farm. She also helps Ashley in the garden.

"A family that farms together, stays together."


BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

Diana's Grass-Fed Beef and Lamb Burger Recipe

campfire burgers.jpg

Recipe for Diana's Grass-Fed Beef and Lamb Burgers

Have you ever tried combining the hearty taste of ground beef with the immense flavor of lamb sausage to create a kickin' burger?! Well, our good friend Diana has. She has been experimenting with various recipes using BF Farms grass-fed beef and lamb and we love it!

Fall is here and the with the cool air upon us, it's the perfect time to grill or cook over a campfire. Gather your people - family, friends, neighbors - and try this super fun recipe!


  • 1lb. grass-fed beef
  • 1lb. grass-fed lamb sausage (already seasoned)
  • 1 egg beaten
  • salt and pepper
  • balsamic vinegar
  • garlic powder


Combine ingredients in a medium sized bowl. The lamb sausage is spicy, so use less sausage if dining with sensitive pallets. Create burger patties and grill at the temperature that you prefer for a regular beef patty. Keep in mind, that lamb has better flavor when slightly under cooked.



BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

Designer Foods

Designer Clothes have been around a long time – but what about Designer Foods?

Go to a New York Fashion Show and you’ll probably see some of the most outlandish looking clothes that you know you would never wear! Clothing designers, like Calvin Klein, create something new and different in order to be noticed and ‘ahead of the game’. It is simply the fashion world in which we live.

This same phenomenon is happening with foods. All across the country, chefs are competing to create what many might call outlandish combinations of foods to impress judges at competitive shows – and to sell to customers at high-dollar restaurants.

Chefs are to foods what Clothing Designers are to clothes!

Know that everything created is not new. For example; many chefs have rediscovered wood ashes and how they contribute flavor. Native Indians used wood ashes to add flavor to some of their foods, especially corn. They learned this from observing wild life and how they craved ashes from burned vegetation. What is very interesting is that Indians were never known to use wood ash on meat to enhance flavor. Because wild animals graze only on grasses, their meat naturally has tremendous flavor.

Why do clothing designers and chefs feel the need to add to what already exists? Could it be because the clothing or food is bland? Could it be because consumers are bored? Could it be because of the increasing demand to be new and “cutting edge”?

We have great news! We have received feedback from our customers that our grass-fed beef and lamb is not bland. They do not get bored with the flavor and do not need sauces or rubs. Lastly, grass-fed meat is “cutting edge"! There has been an increasing awareness for healthy, quality food that is ethically raised; food that is naturally flavorful and nutritious – just the way nature intended!


BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.