You can use lamb sausage for just about anything! Who knew?
Why We Stand Out
How we farm is as much of a benefit for our animals as it is for you.
A Message From a Five Year Old
A Message From a Five Year Old
We interviewed a five year old and her message is clear. She lives on the farm so she has more “know how” than most five year olds about farm life. Possibly more than some adults!
Riley is in pre-school. She is a sixth generation helper on our family farm. She loves, loves, loves to ride in the farm truck and be an assistant in any way possible. We try our best to keep her in the loop regarding what we do and how it benefits people and their health. Being around animals and seeing how much work it takes to raise animals with good health in mind has given her quite the perspective on farming and food in general. Listen to her wisdom…
What is our farm called?
BF Farms.
What do we do here on the farm?
We feed chickens and collect eggs and we make sure the cows are okay and the sheep. And we water the garden.
What kinds of things do the cows and the sheep need?
Some grass…ummmmmm…eh… I don’t know what else.
What does Mimi -Kamie, our ranch manager- do on the farm?
She collects eggs with me. We feed the dogs together.
How long does Mimi work on the farm?
She leaves in the truck when the sun wakes up and comes back sometimes at dinner and sometimes at nighttime.
What do the dogs do to help on the farm?
They guard the sheep from the coyotes so the coyotes don’t go and eat the sheep in the night. They do eat the sheep in the night sometimes.
Where does the meat at the grocery store come from?
I don’t know.
What are the most important foods to eat?
So why do we eat beef and lamb?
Well, it’s okay because the cows eat green vegetables…grass!
Why do we feed the cows and the sheep grass?
Because it makes their body happy.
Why do we eat grass-fed beef and lamb?
Because it makes our body happy.
What do you want to say to everyone who hasn’t tasted our meat?
Come to the house and try it! It’s yummy and makes your body happy.
BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.
Customer Hall of Fame
Chatoya Franklin
We would like to introduce Chatoya Franklin to our "Customer Hall of Fame"! We have been so blessed by the overwhelming feedback from our customers on the taste of our grass-fed meat and how much the history of our farm means to them. We value every amount of feedback given. The thing is, we don't want to keep these wonderful comments to ourselves. We want to share them along with the faces they came from with everyone and thus, created the "Customer Hall of Fame".
Each month, we would like to feature one of our customers on the blog, on Facebook, or through our newsletter sharing about their BF Farms experience! This month, we have chosen Chatoya Franklin. Here is what she has to say:
Why have you decided to choose grass-fed meat for you and your family?
Due to health issues, I eliminated all grains from my diet about a year ago. The more research I did into my new diet and how much pesticides/hormones/antibiotics are used in mass production, I knew I had to switch to grass-fed meat to truly be grain free. I like knowing who raised my food and what it ate before it got to me.
What is your favorite meal to make with BF Farms' grass-fed lamb?
I love pan-seared lamb chops! I sear them in a cast iron skillet and then finish them off in the oven for a few minutes. But, I'm going to try braising one of the smaller roasts Moroccan style...I will let you know how it turns out!
What is your favorite thing about BF Farms?
Jayne!! :o) She is so helpful and passionate about what she does. Also very open with communicating when the meat will be ready. I also love that the farm is local and sells directly to the consumer to avoid any additional fees or markups. It's so nice to know that excellent service still exists!
BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.
Lamb: A Dining Delicacy
Lamb: A Dining Delicacy
Lamb is and always has been a dining delicacy for many cultures and has recently been making its way into mainstream American restaurants with great flare! We are now seeing lamb burgers, rack of lamb appetizers, pickled lamb tongues, lamb sausage and more! Not to mention, the rising awareness of the importance and health benefits of grass-fed meat.
Why? What's all the hype?
Food has become a hobby. The most unique, authentic, and well displayed foods tend to give "foodies" and those who love to navigate the cuisine of the area great conversation and something to brag about! Grass-fed lamb is becoming quite popular, and not only for dining out.
Thanks to the internet, Pinterest, and food bloggers everywhere, we have access to some of the most imaginative recipes from kitchens in homes all over the world. With a small search, anyone can find a new and exciting lamb recipe to experiment with.
I recently spoke with one of our most valued customers about her family's upbringing regarding lamb and she emphasized how valued and special it was when they were able to consume lamb at the dinner table. While others gathered around the typical turkey or ham, her family brought in lamb. "It was a delicacy! We were privileged to be able to have it."
Can you imagine that possibility for your family? What about hosting dinner parties or even barbecues? Is it time to do something different? Offering the highest quality grass-fed lamb is something we are very proud of here at BF Farms and we love that we can help bring it to your dinner table!
BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.