Posts tagged #roots

Meet our Family

Meet our BF Farms Family

We would love for you to meet our BF Farms family! Here is a little synopsis of our roles here on the farm:

Doug Benkendorf-Third Generation

Doug is the visionary behind BF Farms and our land owner. He also helps with projects large and small, as the need arises. He is constantly moving our organization forward and seeking improvement.

Jayne Benkendorf-Third Generation

Jayne is the marketing and sales coordinator for our organization. If you know her at all, you know that she is gifted in sharing about our grass-fed beef and lamb and is always building relationships with everyone around her.

Kamie Sallee-Fourth Generation

Kamie is co-owner and ranch manager for the farm. She cares for the animals, making sure they are fed and healthy, moving them around from pasture to pasture to receive a well balanced diet. She also handles the administration for the farm.

Ephraim Benkendorf-Fifth Generation

Ephraim is co-owner, working closely with Kamie to fulfill the regular ranch chores. More importantly, he is responsible for planting the grasses our beef and lamb feed on. He makes sure that we can call our animals "grass-fed".

Ashley Mantz-Fifth Generation

Ashley runs the chicken coup and the family garden. She calls the chickens her babies and collects the eggs for direct market.

Brian Sallee-Fifth Generation

Brian is a photographer and web developer. You can see his skills for photography and web development on our website, Facebook, and other marketing materials we have sent out. Brian also helps out as a farm hand when needed.

Nicole Sallee-Fifth Generation

Nicole is our co-marketing director and helps with sales. She manages the Facebook page, blog, newsletter, and events for the farm. She also helps Ashley in the garden.

"A family that farms together, stays together."


BF-Farms, LLC, Oklahoma's source for 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.